Affordable Zorbing Ball Price: Get Your Adventure Rolling

    Zorbing Ball & Zorb Roller

Zorbing Ball is a unique Kiwi invention that is not only 'off the wall' but seems to also be off an alien planet. Zorb Ball (or Zorbing) is the activity of rolling down a hill inside a giant inflatable ball. It looks like fun, Zorbing originated in New Zealand in the 1990's as a novel invention by two Kiwis looking for a new adventure challenge. Now this sport is being promoted in India by SAM Zip Line.

The sport can be enjoyed by people of all ages who don't mind being strapped inside an enormous clear plastic, air-cushioned ball. You are actually quite secure inside the inner capsule. All the violent bouncing is absorbed by the bigger outer transparent ball. As the ball rolls down a long grass-covered slope, you spin around in a virtual anti-gravity form of weightlessness like an intoxicated space traveler. As you tumble head over heels, the buildup of centrifugal force keeps you pressed hard against the plastic wall, so it's easy to 'go with the flow' and enjoy the revolving view outside.

Zorbing Ball Manufacture in India SAM Zipline Zorb Ball
Zorbing Ball Manufacture in India SAM Zipline Zorb Ball