Privacy Policy (SAM Zipline, New Delhi) views protection of Buyer’s privacy as a very important principle. We understand clearly that the Buyers and Buyer’s Personal information is one of (SAM Zipline) most important assets. Zip Line Gears stores and process Buyer’s Information including any sensitive financial information collected (as defined under the Information Technology Act, 2000), if any, on computers that may be protected by physical as well as reasonable technological security measures and procedures in accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and Rules there under. If The Buyers object to Buyer’s Information being transferred or used in this way please do not use Website.

The information we gather (SAM Zipline) records, stores and analyses the data that is available to us through any of our platforms including apps and stores. This includes The data that the Buyer provide during creating an account, signup or when a purchase is made at the store or on the website. The following is the information we request the Buyer to furnish:

  • Mobile/Email/Landline

  • First name/Last name

  • Postal code

This data helps us make sure that we take every measure to make sure that our customers are safe while using any of our products during their adventure activities through various forms which are embedded in the communication that we send across to our customers. During the events, competitions and tournaments that we organize at the store.

How (SAM Zipline) uses and processes customer data

  • To ensure that our customers are safe - If there arises a need to contact our customers with regard to the safety while using the product purchased, we will contact the Buyer only to let the Buyer know the safety concern and offer the Buyer an option to exchange/ refund or fix the product at no extra cost.

  • To be able to process exchange/refund incase the bill is lost.

  • To send trsansactional, marketing and promotional messages and other information that might be of interest to our customers. This is only done with the consent of customers. At any point in time the customer can opt -out from receiving these communications.

  • To implement and manage referral programs, surveys, contests, promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by (SAM Zipline)

  • To enhance and optimize our business practices and user experience based on the research and analytics done using the customer data.

  • For studying catchment areas and taking decisions to open new stores. Making it possible to reach out to more customers.

  • To be able to contact our unhappy customers and resolve their issues and grievances.

User Data Deletion

The user has all the right to get their data or information (as mentioned above) deleted from the website records. For the same, the user needs to drop an email to with the subject line "Request for Account data deletion" and (SAM Zipline) team would act on & delete the account within 48 hrs of receiving the request.

Kindly Note: The data or information related to account once deleted, cannot be retrieved.


By submitting data to us or our agent or using the Site, you consent to our use of your data in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.


We have copyright over this Privacy Policy. Use by third parties, even by way of extract, for commercial purposes is not allowed. Infringements may be subject to legal action. This Privacy Policy can change at any time to include / exclude clauses and does not bear responsibility for updating Users on the same.